Wednesday, September 10, 2008 | | 0 comments »

Seasonal Wrap-up… Summer ‘08

I know… it’s been a while since I last posted… things have been kind of hectic around here, and I’ve barely had any time to sleep. My new schedule started last week, so I’m trying to get myself adjusted to everything right now.

I have to admit, I’m kind of glad summer is over. I’m looking forward to the fall; it’s one of my favorite times of the year. The last three months have been long and challenging for me. Despite the frustrations, however, there were some highlighting moments… here’s a quick run-down of note-worthy thoughts from this summer…

  • A person can get a very good workout carrying around a broadcasting camera for 12 weeks everyday in the summer heat… pair that with a diet of blueberries, bananas, and water, and you can shed a solid 5-10 pounds easily.
  • Cake decorating is not as easy as it looks.
  • When you take an unattractive picture of a person shoveling food into their mouth, make sure you ask for their permission before sharing it with the public.
  • The crabs they give you at Bethesda Crab House are small, and barely have any crab meat in them.
  • It’s good a idea to memorize a random phone number (fast food places, movie theatres, retail stores, etc.) so that when someone asks you for yours while you’re drunk, you don’t accidentally give them your real one.
  • A blond-headed slut (the shot… an alternate to the red-headed slut) is gross…. Stick to the red-headed slut.
  • It’s proven that liquor, in small doses, can be just as good as fiber when it comes to clearing out the system.
  • Walking around the city with an open bag of Doritos is a great way to meet people (note: this method has only been tested in Dewey Beach, DE... not sure if it'll work in other cities).
  • Sometimes change is necessary. It might be a little scary, but you never know, it might also turn out pretty good… Example: Roman and I always order fries with our chicken tenders at Tastee’s, but we decided to try their onion rings one night, and they were surprisingly good. Yeah, it’s not always going to be as simple as fries to onion rings... sometimes it might be something harder, like choosing a new pizza topping… it’s tough, but that’s life.